In our electronics catalog you can find detailed specifications, photos and descriptions of almost all Hi-Fi and High End class components present on the market. Want to choose a device? All the necessary and up-to-date information is always at hand.
The Musicnote brand has introduced the Musicnote CD-MU8 MK CD player, which has replaced the CD-MU8 model. The new device is based on two flagship ES9038Q2M DAC chips from ESS Technology – one for each channel. The circuit also uses low-noise operational amplifiers OPA2604, which provide significantly better characteristics compared to the widely used LME49720 and OPA2134, and Nichicon KG, KZ capacitors, as well as MUSE capacitors.
The heart of this DAC is not even a DA-converter, but a tube output stage, which forms a unique sound signature. Well, the new model has finally added the option - the ability to roll (change) tubes. Compatible with power tetrodes and pentodes, plus only one and common 6.3 V heater voltage, enabled LampizatOr Atlantic 3 TRP to offer tens of different tube types to be used alternatively. TRP = Tube Rollers Paradise, as the company wrote.