masteradmin HIFIVERSE forum is a place for audiophiles and industry experts. We ask that you show respect toward all our members. Our goal is to contribute our deep expertise for the benefit of the forum members Where possible, please avoid generalizations speech. Administrative decisions are not subject to debate. Motivated participation is a key of being a member in our forum. If in our opinion your posts and actions are violating this rule, administrations action may be taken (deletion your profile or your posts). We don’t control what our members posts 24/7 and we cannot read every post on our forum. There is nothing viewed as opinions of the forum administrations. HIFIVERSE forum system works «as is», and if you don't like something, you don't have to use it. Strictly forbidden use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false, threatening, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, racist, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violates any law, etc. Posting topics involving politics, religion, spam, etc. are not allowed and will be removed with a result in membership ban. If you see «breaking the rules» posts, please report them here. We will deal with them. 10.Use VPN to hide your identity in forbidden and will be terminated of your membership. If you like to be hidden from the forum, simple don’t poste here and use read-only status. 11.Members should avoid posting copy protected material. Any complaints by a copyright owner should be reported here. 12.Signatures should be shorter than two lines with no advertising of any type. 13.Avatars are allowed but must be safe for viewing. 14.You are only allowed a single account. Duplicate accounts = ban for both. 15.We reserve the right to reveal your identity in the event of a legal action arising from any message posted by you. 16.All material posted becomes the property of the HIFIVERSE. 17.All postings and material contained in this site are copyrighted and may not be republished without express written consent of the HIFIVERSE administrators.